Monday, January 26, 2015

marriage and swimming

the other day, i was having a desultory conversation with a friend. out of the blue she asked if i had learnt how to swim. i replied in negative, and added that would love to learn swimming some day.

then she joined the dots to a previous discussion about matrimony we had, earlier during the course of our conversation. somehow she felt that preparing your self mentally to get married was akin to that phase of learning how to swim, when you would would be left all alone at the 3 ft deep end of the pool, to learn swimming on your own.
- you feel all alone, even though u have people all around the pool.
- it feels like you are going to drown for sure, even though the pool is barely 3 feet deep. our fears and apprehension about not being able to assimilate the changes of married life and surmount the hope of succeeding at it.

i appreciated her for her close observation skills. the situations did seem fairly analogous.

later on, when i was thinking about it, i thought, may be the solution to the situation was present in the situation itself. #ThatWasMeta
- you are not alone, your spouse is the coach standing at the edge of the pool; motivating you, cheering you, ready to jump in and help if at all things go out of hand.
- you are not going to drown. just keep you cool and think. the pool is barely 3 feet deep and you just need to stand on you feet to save your self. simple fact that several issues we face in our relationships can be sorted out easily if we sit down and talk & listen in equal measures. talk it out with your spouse or maybe family or maybe good friends if you think the situation is beyond you. the bottomline is - don't panic #HHGG

not meaning to say that this is a sure fix for all problems. but yes we can succeed if we try; if we seek, we shall find.