Sunday, September 26, 2010

why does this happen with friends

last week i got a friend request and message on facebook, asking for my contact number. It was from sg. technically we were talking after 8 years since we left school but actually it was far longer than that. We were the closest of friends during our school days – far back in time, during class four n five. but something happened and it fell apart, we parted ways n we stopped taking. our class sections changed, our friendhip got reduced to a little smile just to acknowledge each other's presnece n then, that too faded away i don't knw when, we got other friends n we moved on. we were togeher in class x but that made no much difference. then he took science in class xi and i took commerce. then we pretty much lost contact. random badminton games were all we had in common. after school the relation got deteriorated to 'wiped off' from 'faded'.

i was over-whelmed to see the message. yes, probably thats the word that is closes to describing the state of my mind. i gave my number and started waiting for the call. i was so lost that i forgot to ask for his number. may be i was so sure that he wud call back soon, after all we had been so good friends once upon a time. n yes, i was right. he did call. we had a small chit chat, decide to meet over the weekend. he still remembered my b'day and surprisingly i too remembered his, 26 december.

n then came the weekend. saturday evening was consumed in some household chore. we decide to meet on sunday evening, thought its a working day for him and that to a busy one. but still he agreed, guess he too was overwhelmed to meet me after such a long time. n then we meet. had a long chat - discussing what had happened in our lives over these years, he did his engg in e&c n then joined his father's property business. he got married some time back. then we took a stroll down the memory lane, the good times we had spent together, our rendezvous point during school days - the windows behind the basket ball pole interestingly both of us remembered it, our academic performances (he was always a notch better than me, no points for guessing that) etc

then came the important part, trying to figure out why we parted ways. n surprisingly both of us cud not put a finger on why our friendship fell apart. there was no reason for us to part ways, but it happened, don't knw why. but i guess its the hallmark of true friendship that it transcends physical spaces, time, et al. we met today after so long n it never felt that we had not been in touch. it didn't matter that i forgot to take his number coz i knw that he wud call for sure and that i wud meet him, sooner or later.

had a really good time with him. glad to have rediscovered my friend again, not a mere addition to the friends count in facebook.

this inspires me to reconnect with some old friends i have lost touch. hope i will be able to do it soon.